Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bachchpan Ki Yaadein!!!

“Bachchpan”, the childhood days…
We all age and step into 7 different stages in our lifetime (as represented in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”); for most of us, the moments spent in our childhood (stage 2) is to be cherished the most and we want those days to come back.

So, this post (accompanied with some pics) is dedicated to some of my most cherished and cutest of the memories…

Those were the days when:
- We were carefree, innocent and playful.
- We cared about playing soccer more than job and money.
- We fought with our sisters / brothers for small things and then soon make up with them.
- We kept on running around the dining table chasing each other.
- We waited for our turns to get the next piece of food from Mom’s hand.

- We got lil pocket-money but still save something at the end of the month.
- We waited for our piggybank to get full and then spend the money for something big, repeating the cycle all over again.
- In Diwali days, we used to burst small crackers (Bijli bombs), all the time for a whole week.
- We used to go on bicycles in the rain, get drenched and enjoy the weather to the fullest.
- We created "hail palaces" during the hail-storms.

- We bravely (apparently) used to see the horror soaps and then get scared whole night.
- We used to get up early in the morning and jog just to get chocolates as the prize.
- We eagerly waited for summer holidays and a trip to Himachal or Naani’s (grandmother’s) place.
- We hated home-work but still had to complete it in order to go n play.
- We liked / respected some particular teacher and tried to impress him / her.
- We used to get ready early on Sundays to see cartoons on DD2.
- We wanted a joy ride everyday on dad’s vehicle before he goes for office.
- Ramayan, Chandrakanta, Byomkesh Bakshi, Chitrahaar were the favorite TV programs.
- Mom used to nicely get us ready for the school and by the time we come back, we were all dirty and bruised.
- We often had to rush to school to avoid the punishment by the P.T sir.
- We used to have these supposedly secret spots to hide while playing chupan chupai (Lukan meeti).
- We used to fly kites whole day on basant-panchami.

And the list goes on… Perhaps, we all want to go back in time and live that life yet again. But, there is no time-machine stuff; we have to move ahead. So, we need to live today to the fullest to cherish today's memories when we get older.

1 comment:

  1. nice pics :)
    guess i m always going to miss chandrakanta and the yakooo mama...
    what abt something more deep info ;) a lil bit more peek in life of great rishi thaper :P
