Saturday, April 4, 2009

Chocolate Brownie

Well well well. Last week we went for 2 office parties… And you know what… The best moment for me in those parties was the dessert in one of the lunches. After having a filling main-course, my colleagues ordered all the different stuff… Ice creams… Drunken fruits… Fudges… Chocolate brownie with ice-cream… and what not. I thought I would refrain from indulging in that high calorie portion and taste (just taste) the brownie.

And then came the delightful moment… Chocolate brownie with vanilla ice-cream and hot chocolate sauce kept in front of me. Preparation looked staggering. Brownie was looking fresh, covered with a mountain of snow-white Vanilla. I poured the steaming thick chocolate sauce over the mountain and landscape was complete. The brown rivers over the snow-covered mountains were looking divine. But there were not just those rivers. Another set were running inside my mouth. It was irresistible. I couldn’t hold myself and grabbed a spoon and went for it. The spoon went through the sauce covered ice-cream and cut through the tempting brownie effortlessly. I filled my spoon and took it to my mouth to charm my senses. And then it melted. The luscious mixture of chocolate and vanilla took me to another world. I slowly closed my eyes to enjoy the scrumptious taste of the heavens (It’s true when they say that most pleasurable moments are observed with eyes closed).
When it was gone, I opened my eyes just to take in another spoonful of mouth-watering delicacy and satisfied my senses.

1 comment:

  1. Haha... I can vouch that I felt I was there when it was happening.. Try to maintain the mystery of the scene a little bit more longer... and a little bit exaggeration wouldn't be bad either :) But delicious blog overall :)
